The five types of hackers targeting SMBs

Small- or medium-sized business (SMB) owners may think they’re unimportant enough to be targeted by hackers. But the truth is that SMBs are prime targets for hackers since they see these organizations — which have less security and fewer resources compared to enterprises — as easy marks. Fortunately, knowing who these attackers are and what […]

Factors to consider when buying antivirus software

Cyberattacks can come for any business, regardless of size or scope. Small- and mid-sized businesses, in particular, are facing an increasing risk from cybercriminals who know that these organizations often lack sufficient protective measures. With a variety of threats becoming more dangerous, it’s essential to ensure your cybersecurity solutions are up to par. So, make […]

Don’t overlook your business printers’ security

The security of business printers is often overlooked by small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). This can prove to be a big mistake because printers can be just as vulnerable to cyberattacks as other devices. Follow these security tips if you want to protect your business printers from cyberattacks. Vulnerabilities of business printers Printers are considered […]

What businesses need to know about cybersecurity in 2023

With each passing year, the cybersecurity landscape becomes even more complex and dangerous. This is why in 2023, it’s no longer optional but critical for business owners to be aware of the latest trends in cybersecurity. By keeping abreast of cybersecurity news, they can better protect their data, systems, and organization. In this blog post, […]

How to choose the right VPN for your business

If you want to stay secure while using the internet, it’s not enough to simply rely on anti-malware software and a firewall. Nowadays, hackers can read data sent to and from your device and steal the information inside them. This is why your business needs a virtual private network (VPN). What is a VPN? A […]

Top tips to protect yourself from holiday hackers

As you focus on meeting the needs of holiday shoppers or taking time off to be with loved ones, hackers are looking to exploit any vulnerabilities in your business’s system. Keep these tips in mind to ward off hackers so you can fully enjoy this festive season. Change passwords frequently Change your business passwords every […]

Ramp up your defenses with proactive cybersecurity

Cyberthreats are becoming more sophisticated every day, and if your business isn’t taking steps to protect itself from these threats, it faces a high risk of falling victim. This can cause you to lose valuable data or even go out of business. In this blog post, we will discuss what proactive cybersecurity is and how […]

Update your passwords now

If you’re like most people, you probably have passwords that are easy to remember or use the same one for multiple accounts. But by doing either of these, you could be putting yourself at risk to cyberattacks. To ensure the security of your online accounts, follow the latest password guidelines from the National Institute of […]

7 Ways to keep your email account safe

Email is one of the most essential business tools today. It enables swift, efficient communication within a company and with their customers and partners. Email’s popularity among businesses is what makes it a target for hackers looking to get ahold of critical business and client information. It’s therefore crucial to safeguard your email account, and […]

Defending against watering hole attacks

More and more cybercriminals are launching watering hole attacks to gain access to company networks. But what exactly is a watering hole attack, and how can you protect yourself from it? Read on to learn how. How watering hole attacks work The term “watering hole” colloquially refers to a social gathering place where a particular […]